Friday, August 27, 2010

I should have done the Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan

The Liquid Diet was not one of my better ideas. My math tells me that I'm taking in the right amount of calories, but after consuming nothing but liquid for the past 24 hours plus, I'm feeling lightheaded, yet dense at the same time.

Case in point, yesterday, when I was trying to meet up with Thorn, the conversation went like this:
Thorn: "We'll probably arrive at the apartment at 6pm."
Me: "So, I'll meet you at 7pm."
Thorn: "No, I said 6pm."
Me: "6:15pm then?"

It is time to resort to the Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan: 3 snacks, 2 meal replacement shakes, and 1 sensible meal. I like the "sensible" part of this strategy!

  • Milk with Chocolate Ovaltine (2 cups)
  • Life Brand Complete Chocolate Meal Replacement Shake (1 bottle)
  • Fruit Punch (300 ml)
  • Kashi Bar (1 bar)
  • Japanese rice cakes (pack of 2)
  • Some vegetables and starch - no meat as per my weekday vegetarian diet
I have not been so eager to eat solid food since I did the Kichadi fast. Thank goodness I'm not doing that! Haha!