Friday, July 16, 2010

PETA tempting me with cannibalism

When you quit smoking, they say that if you can survive the first four days, you'll be okay. Well, my addiction is eating... and the last week has been difficult. I dare say it is a contradiction of my raison d'etre. I have been eating less, and from the last weight-in, it looks like it's working.

It's not to say that I'm not tempted by food. Society tempts you to eat badly, because it's full of gastronomic pushers and pimps of all sorts of terrible food. It's easy to resist the obvious traps. The red-haired clown tempts me with burgers and fries. The white-haired colonel temps me with chicken wings. I say no to them with disgust. But what about the wolves in sheep's clothing? What about black-haired Jared who tells me that eating a foot-long sub is good for me?

Thanks to my calorie counting website (, I know some of the dirty tricks of the food industry. You see, that foot-long sub comes with a foot long bun loaded with carbs and a foot of cold cuts that is full of sodium. It's better than a pizza, but it is nowhere near as healthy as a home-made meal. What about fruit drinks? Loaded with sugar... and real fruit juice is only slightly better. It's also high in sugar and devoid of the precious fiber that your body needs. Do you think trail mix and granola is the way to go? Take a look at the calories and carbs. Diet soda may have zero calories, but it's nowhere near as good as a fresh glass of water. Don't be fooled, my friends.

On that note, what HAVE I been eating? I've been eating more fruits and vegetables. I've been packing them as snacks. Not V8 or Fruitopia... I mean REAL fruits and vegetables. I've been drinking water like a mad man too. Water has zero calories and it fills you up. Fiber also does this very well. I've been eating fiber pills at that crucial time around 2:30 in the afternoon, when my body feels like it wants a snack. I allow myself one "junk meal" a day if my spirit is weak, but it's either during breakfast or lunch... never for dinner. I mentioned this before, but I've been trying to turn my dinners into a light snack. Either cereal or some fruits. I've finally been able to do this during the last 3 days.

I won't kid you. This dramatic change scares me. Today it was 3pm and I realized I didn't eat lunch yet. I didn't feel hungry. The day before, I had only an apple and celery for dinner, and it felt strangely normal. I've been taking multi-vitamins because I'm concerned I'm not getting enough nutrients. To top this off, I've had to battle with strange posters from PETA encouraging me to adopt cannibalism (see above). I would think that PETA would be happy that I've eating more fruits and vegetables, but instead they tempt me into eating humans! That's sick, PETA... almost as sick as your posters tempting me to eat kittens.


  1. I applaud your consumption of real fruits and vegetables, but eating nothing but an apple and celery for dinner is crazy. I hope that you're taking in the appropriate amount of calories for an adult.

  2. Fear not. I'm tracking my calories with great accuracy. I had 1664 calories that day. I had too much cholesterol because I had 2 hard boiled eggs. And despite eating 2 apples, I still didn't get enough vitamin C.

  3. I'm incredibly impressed Flocons. Not quite impressed enough not to attempt to sabotage you later. But impressed nonetheless!

  4. I'm also impressed. I'm amazed that it took this competition to bring out the anorexic in you. I've also eaten more fruits and vegetables lately. Eating large also turns my stomach now. If anything, all of us will definitely have smaller stomachs. With the exception of Opiate it seems.

  5. I need fuel. Lots of it. I will have the strength to fight off all of you when the apocalypse comes and all this cannibalism talk becomes a reality.

  6. Good god....what has this competition brought out in my friends? I think perhaps I shall start training rigorously again lest any of you look to me as "lean organic meat" if the apocolypse does actully hit.

  7. You know, that poster is absolutely right. I don't get enough kitten in my diet as is. They're rich in carbs and protein!
