Thursday, July 15, 2010

Fatty Weigh-in: Week 2

CompetitorCurrent Weight
celestialspeedster124 lbs- 2 lb- 5 lbs ( - 3.9%)
Doctor Cook
??? lbs? lb
+ 1 lb ( + 0.6%)
205 lbs
- 5 lbs
- 7 lbs ( - 3.3%)
Opiate182 lbs- 1 lb- 1 lb ( - 0.5%)
Royal Pinguo
142 lbs- 1 lb- 2 lb ( - 1.4%)
Thorn172 lbs
- 0 lbs
- 4 lbs ( - 2.3%)


  1. Weighing in where I am for the next two weeks might be tough.

    But on a positive note, one pair of my pants fits much better now!

    And speedster, I see your weight loss is beginning to hit the wall. Enjoy the coming gain, fatty!

  2. Doctor Cook, you are not in the middle of a jungle where you have no access to a scale. And even if you were, you could make one using twigs and a pelt. Stop stalling and weigh in.

  3. Holy hell Flocons, is that the dramatic change you'd referred to?

  4. The scary part is that I haven't had time to exercise this week. That weight loss is from eating less and pooing more. You know what I had for dinner yesterday? An apple and a ziploc of celery! It's kind of scary... but I'm trying to eat more at the beginning of the day and less at the end.

  5. Congratulations, Flocons! Now, you know the power of anorexia.

  6. Dammit. I'm gonna gain from today onwards. Everything in America is enormous and delicious. Did you know that a "regular" size burrito is weighty enough to club a baby seal with? Well, it is. Did you know that the sandwich special is made with a pound of turkey, among other things? Every time I eat something I order here, I feel like I'm going to vomit! Time to switch to exercise as a means to lose weight here. If I only eat one meal a day here, it's already too much...

  7. Wanna trade places? I'm hankering for a breaded and deep fried steak again. Been a while.

  8. I gained 3 pounds during a four day trip to Chicago. Think about it. Haha!

  9. Hey, look at what I saw on a sign post today:

  10. Wow Flocons, your focus and discipline is inspiring. As is everyones. Very good to eat more early in the day and less the closer you get to your bedtime.
    Great job guys...just make sure you stay healthy.... it doesn't count if you can't think straight anymore. You DO need enough nutrients to sustain yourselves.
