Saturday, January 22, 2011

Tight clothes vs. loose clothes

When you're a hot model, tight clothes look sexy. When you're an overweight man, tight clothes look terrible. So a natural recourse is for overweight people to wear loose clothes, as I have done so in the past. The problem is that baggy loose clothes only make you look bigger than you actually are. In fact, I had a closet full of "relax fit" jeans and extra large sweaters. Royal Pinguo has declared war on these terrible eye sores. They are slowly making their way out of my wardrobe and into the hands of the homeless. (We donate our old clothes, but it's creepy thinking that you may run into a homeless person who is wearing your old clothes... it's still better than giving them to your fat friends.)

With loose clothes out of the picture, I decided to boldly explore the other side of the spectrum. On Boxing Day, I bought clothes that were one size too small for me. For shirts and sweaters, this means medium. For jeans, this means size 34. (Thanks to Thinspiration, I can actually fit into 34's again... but it's not comfortable by any means.) What does this mean? It means I look ridiculous in tight clothes, but it's also a public reminder for me to try to fit into these clothes. That is a big bonus when it comes to wearing tight clothes. The human body is like a goldfish that adjusts to the size of it's bowl. If you wear loose baggy clothes, they start to fit you just fine after a while. If you wear tight clothes, you get constantly reminded to trim yourself down a bit.

On a side note, I weighed myself shortly after New Year's. After all the turkey, turkey, and more turkey... I weigh in at 204 lbs. It's a weight gain since the Thinspiration finale, but not by very much. I'm still close to breaking the 200 lb barrier. I'll let you know how it goes.

1 comment:

  1. its not tight fitting clothes, its well-fitting clothes :) proportional, style, cut.
