Monday, August 2, 2010

Challenge #1: Burn to Binge results

In terms of strategy for the first Thinspiration XXL challenge, the majority of competitors had none. After weighing in, everyone, minus Royal Pinguo who could not attend, went for a run. Opiate ran 17 km, Thorn and Doctor Cook ran/walked about half of that, while Flocons and celestialspeedster resorted to the 30 second sprint, 1 minute stumble cycle that Halle Berry reputedly used to prepare for Catwoman.

The competitors made their way to The Burger's Priest (1636 Queen St. E.) on rubbery legs. Flocons, Thorn, Doctor Cook and celestialspeedster had the cheeseburger combo that came with fries and a drink. Opiate passed on the fries and doubled up on meat instead. Everyone marveled at how fresh the burgers were.

Doctor Cook was 'kind' enough to bring a jar of Strawberry Fluff back from Boston. Combine Fluff with peanut butter on Wonderbread and the result is a fluffernutter sandwich. After some beer and sake to wash the pink marshmallow down, the competitors returned to the scale.

CompetitorPre Binge
Post Binge
celestialspeedster123 lbs124 lbs+ 1 lb
Doctor Cook
172 lbs171 lbs
- 1 lb
211 lbs
208 lbs
- 3 lbs
Opiate176 lbs176 lbs- 0 lb
Royal Pinguo
Thorn171 lbs
173 lbs
+ 2 lbs

Flocons has won Challenge #1 and his reward is looking like Halle Monster's Ball.


  1. celestialspeedster's constant need to "smell the fluff" may have something to do with her weight gain during this competition.

    I foresee the beginning of the end of her reign of anorexic terror.

  2. Now that the results are in, I can share my secret strategy for winning this competition. I took advice of champion competitive eater Sonya Thomas. Before an eating competition, the "Black Widow" will drink large quantities of water. I drank 1.5 liters of water before the initial weigh in. After the run and a few trips to the washroom, I managed to expel a lot of this water through sweat and pee. Thumbs up for binge drinking!

  3. Don't forget the chocolate chip cookies at the burger place. They were yummy. Should have saved one to coat in fluff and peanut butter.

    Watching Speedster sniff the fluff was very entertaining. The longing in the eyes...
