Friday, January 7, 2011

A week of hell

For the month of December, I let myself go. I ate whatever I wanted (usually not healthy) and didn't really exercise. In the end, I got sick and felt bloated. It was not worth it.

My new year's resolution is to get back to being healthy...Thinspiration XXL healthy, that is. Since January 1, I've reduced my daily caloric intake to 1500 calories or less with the help of a calorie count application on my cell phone. I have also resumed hot yoga and running.

I must admit that the first few days of drastic stomach shrinking was psychologically and physically uncomfortable. But, now I feel better. No, really. I have lost 2 pounds already.

If I were to inflict my methods on the other competitors, I wonder what would happen? Science research requires volunteers. Anyone? Anyone?

1 comment:

  1. I'm game in March. Until then I'm relying on the tag-team of poverty/laziness to keep me manorexic!
