Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My latest gimmick

The fact is that I have been exercising on a regular basis in the last few weeks, and in spite of eating more, my weight has not changed. Also static, but less encouraging, are my body measurements.

With the three week extension to the Catwoman Competition, I have decided to take desperate measures. I will be attending Bikram Yoga classes for the month of November. My friend, the Storymaster insists that this is a surefire way to melt away the fat. Having only tried it once before, I can vouch that it is debatable form of torture.

Madonna does Ashtanga yoga, and she has zero body fat. I have been told that my hands look like Madonna's so perhaps doing Bikram Yoga will cause this similarity to spread throughout my body. One guy doesn't think Bikram Yoga is healthy for Madonna. Well, that's enough faulty logic for today. See you at the sweat mark.


  1. Good Idea... I really have to make a habit of it myself.

  2. Celestialspeedster was a rock star in the class last night! I even caught her give that wry little smile every now and then. Unlike most newbies, she did not end up on the floor in savasana for most of the class, she did not faint nor did she try to cheat how long she had to hold the asanas. This just goes to show that she is already in amazing shape and has tremendous focus. Yay Celestialspeedster! Now that you know you won't die, you can push yourself as hard as you want and watch the extra fat melt away while you increase your bone density and tone those muscles.
